Telling The Truth
“It is crucial for me that you keep in mind that Egyptologists base much of their work on the findings of Sir Ernest A. T. Wallis Budge and Jean-François Champollion. While they can correctly interpret about 70% of the hieroglyphs, they fail to truly understand 99.99% of them.
Due to the arrogance often found in science, most Egyptologists would never admit that they lack true understanding; instead, their conjectures have been presented as fact for far too long. This needs to change.
An Eritrean proverb says: ‘It is not about how your mother sends you to the market (“Get some eggs, honey”), but rather about what the market has to offer (“Mum, I found only milk at the market”).’
When my intuition led me to explore the market of knowledge, I discovered truths that had nothing to do with what I was taught in school or university. These revelations have completely shattered my old perception of reality.
I have uncovered facts, literally carved in stone, that are significant not only for the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia but for the entire world.”
Esayas Gebremedhin
I researched images of mummies online to understand the anatomical connections between East African people and the Ancient Egyptians. I also studied countless statues at the British Museum and the Berlin Museum Island. What I repeatedly found was that the Ancient Egyptians closely resembled East Africans and Africans in general. They shared our eyes, hair, lips, and noses.
Whether it’s the striped staff, the fine fabrics worn by women, or some of the furniture and musical instruments used by the Ancient Egyptians, many similarities can still be found in Africa from the distant past.
For example, have you ever wondered why we are so obsessed with wearing gold?
How Our Language Survived
Celebrated by Western society for their achievements and distinct culture, and portrayed in the Bible as a wealthy and powerful kingdom, Ancient Egypt has never been fully understood as a culture. Interestingly, many early European explorers assumed that the people and language of the Habeshas were extinct.
They are not.
For me, it’s both amusing and saddening to read what’s written in hieroglyphics in my mother tongue.
For example, scientists refer to the language of the Ancient Egyptians as Mdw Ntr. However, Mdw Ntr is actually pronounced as “Metzu Netere,” which means “They came, he jumped.”
Today, scientists can read about 70% of the hieroglyphics but understand less than 0.1%.
Unintentionally, they have been misinterpreting the words, names, and sentences for almost 200 years.
The reason is that no one recognizes that Tigrigna is a language that could be compared to hieroglyphics. Moreover, the writing system is quite challenging.
The Real Name of Nefertiti
She is the most famous Ancient Egyptian queen. Her name is known throughout the world, yet it is a complete misinterpretation and does not correspond to any known language.
Esayas presents to you the true throne name of Nefertiti and its actual meaning. You will be amazed and fascinated to discover the truth that has remained hidden for so long.
The Real Name of Ramsis
Ramses is known as one of the most famous and powerful leaders of the Ancient Egyptian era. His name is composed of two words: Ra-Mesis. Egyptologists translate it as “Ra is the one who bore him,” which makes little sense. Esayas reveals the true meaning of the name, derived from his African mother tongue.
The Real Name of Tutankhamun
He became the most famous pharaoh of all time because thieves failed to find his treasure for thousands of years. His name, TUT-ANKH-AMUN, is translated by Egyptologists as “Living image of Aten.” However, this translation makes little sense and doesn’t accurately reflect what is written in the hieroglyphs.
Esayas will reveal how, after months of research into hieroglyphs, he discovered the true meaning of his name.